
Windows 10 -asennus ISO-näköistiedostosta saattaa edellyttää sähköistä tuotetunnusta | Dell Suomi

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Add product key to windows 10 iso

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In the Add Product Keys dialog box, select from one of the following methods to add product keys:. To add product keys manually, select Enter product key s separated by line breaks , enter one or more product keys separated by line breaks, and select Add Key s.

To import a Comma Separated Values CSV file containing a list of product keys, select Select a product key file to import , browse to the file location, select Open to import the file, and then select Add Key s.

If you are activating a large number of products with a MAK, you should refresh the activation count of the MAK, to ensure that the MAK can support the required number of activations. In the product key list in the center pane, select the MAK and click Refresh product key data online in the right-side pane to contact Microsoft and retrieve the number of remaining activations for the MAK.

This step requires Internet access. You can only retrieve the remaining activation count for MAKs. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Use the scroll bar if you need to view the Description for each key.

When you\’ve selected the product key you want to install, select Install Key. Only one key can be installed at a time. VAMT displays the Installing product key dialog box while it attempts to install the product key for the selected products. When the process is finished, the status appears in the Action Status column of the dialog box. Select Close to close the dialog box. You can also select the Automatically close when done check box when the dialog box appears.

The same status is shown under the Status of Last Action column in the product list view in the center pane. Product key installation will fail if VAMT finds mismatched key types or editions. VAMT will display the failure status and will continue the installation for the next product in the list. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Table of contents Exit focus mode.



Add product key to windows 10 iso. Windows 10 -asennus ISO-näköistiedostosta saattaa edellyttää sähköistä tuotetunnusta

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