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Tvnserver.exe download

This site uses cookies. See more details here:. Highlights: Remote Ripple free! MightyViewer 1. Download v1. Let\’s consider you would like to have TightVNC functionality in your own software. For example, you plan to add desktop sharing to your conference system. If your project is not free software, you are not allowed to sell TightVNC as a part of your closed-source system. The GPL simply does not permit that. This is where we can help you by providing a commercial license to our source code.
Instead of creating remote desktop software from the scratch that\’s many man-months of development and many serious risks , use our existing production-ready code as a base. It\’s many times less expensive than the development from the scratch would take!
Also, the license is available immediately while the development can take months or years. You can save that time by simply purchasing the source code license. What we offer is a perpetual non-exclusive license to the complete source code of TightVNC Server version 2 for Windows.
Note that you purchase a license once and forever. No expiration dates, no per-copy royalties, no limitations on the number of products or devices.
To see the exact license terms and the up-to-date prices, please see this PDF document which should describe everything in detail:. If this PDF document or this page do not answer some of your questions, please e-mail us at business glavsoft. If you are interested in the commercial licensing option, please fill in the form below and press \”Submit Information\”. Make sure to provide both your real personal name and the company name.
You will be contacted by e-mail so please make sure to enter your valid e-mail address as well. This e-mail address will not be disclosed to any third party and will be used only for correspondence directly related to your request.
If you have problems with filling in this form, please contact us directly. Our Privacy Policy. What Are the Benefits? In short, you can save both time and money. How Much Does It Cost? What Are the License Terms? To make sure the price will not increase, place your order right here, right now!
Just fill in the form below. Please choose what is appropriate: Our company would like to purchase the license right now We have a number of questions [please ask below] We would purchase the license if Additional information you wish to provide to TightVNC authors:.
Please click on the checkbox at the right required :. I agree to the tightvnc. Privacy Policy.
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