
Pes 2009 patch 2015 download pc.[PC]Pes 2009 MDEvolution Patch

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Pes 2009 patch 2015 download pc

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I can\’t promise you about it, lol. Everyone is moving жмите new PES game. PES is too old to нажмите чтобы увидеть больше. Hey thank you very much for the patch, templates players are fine, but do not change the team logos or menus or t-shirts.

Can\’t wait to try this! I assume it needs a clean install? Does it need PES to be patched to a certain version or does it work on any? This patch includes latest version.

But do not expect many faces or transfers as we know PES is very old game, it\’s really hard to find good update for PES these days.

Great patch, i really have to thank you! My only problem is about some pv that seem they are not working on my pc: I can\’t see scoreboard, cursor on the player, radar and stuff like this in a correct way because I can see only some white rectangles. I can play pes 2009 patch 2015 download pc well, it\’s only about these details. Any suggestion to try to solve this problem?

Changing quality level it doesn\’t change. Hope that it\’s not something not fixable! So in my opinion what\’s weird is that the game works without any other problem it works just a little slowly if I select High quality level! I mean downloading or copying files oc directories, or stuff like this. Well, that\’s a hell old PC mate, lol. Lol yes you\’re right! Well thank you for the support, i\’ll try to find a copy of PES just to see if it works on my pc.

Anyway I\’ll change soon this old pstch, it was already in посетить страницу plans :D. Can you tell pes 2009 patch 2015 download pc summer wine download Now all those details are visible. I didn\’t understand how to make working this patch.

Only name was good. The other not working. Help me please. Hi thanks for the patch! But inside the game I see white boxes in the markers and names of the players, what can I do? Thank you. Why all the points are 99 :O. Could you give me the option file with real points? Rules : 1. Use English! Your comment won\’t be shown if you\’re not using English!.

Don\’t spam. Report dead link! This is the pes 2009 patch 2015 download pc transfer patch from Micano4u, the patch is working по этому адресу Pro Evolution Soccer If you\’re still playing PESthen patcn one is really good for you. Follow me on YouTube! PES Mega Chantpack v1.

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