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To be sure that the issue you try to fix is related to the Windows SoftwareDistribution folder, you might want to temporarily rename it beforehand as shown below. His primary focus is to write comprehensive how-tos to help users get the most out of Windows 10 and its many related technologies. Try restart, yes. To revert this, you can apply the same procedure afterwards больше информации this command:. The Software Distribution folder is c windows softwaredistribution download?download???????? vital component for Windows Update, which temporarily stores files needed to install new updates.
Windows/SoftwareDistribution/Download ??? – Dell Community.How to Cleanup the SoftwareDistribution Folder to Fix Windows Update – WinBuzzer
replace.me › answers › questions › cwindowssoftwaredistribution. Manually clean up C:\\WINDOWS\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download\\ The folder that you\’ve mentioned stores Windows Update downloads that have.
C windows softwaredistribution download?download????????.C:\\WINDOWS\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download deleting
replace.me › answers › questions › cwindowssoftwaredistribution. Manually clean up C:\\WINDOWS\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download\\ The folder that you\’ve mentioned stores Windows Update downloads that have.